

Exciting things ahead!

Hello, World!

This is the inaugural post for my new project, The Numeracy Project. Please bare with me as I get things rolling because this is far outside my comfort zone! 

Who is Santhra Thambidurai?

I’m a math teacher, tutor, mother-of-two, entrepreneur, and lifelong learner.  You can find out more about me by checking out my About Me and Experience pages.

What is the Numeracy Project about? 

I am looking to help students, parents, and teachers connect the dots between what they’re learning in school with how it is used in the real world. I am looking to answer questions like:

  • What sort of career opportunities exist if I’m interested in Statistics?
  • If I’m interested in being a doctor, what sort of math would help me do my job better?

How will I do it?

The main engine of this project will be The Numeracy Report, a podcast where I interview professionals across various industries to dive deeper into how math is used in their worlds. I will also look to write posts and highlight recent news that may be of interest to students and teachers.

How can you get involved?

You can do a number of things:

What’s next?

Stay tuned for the 1st episode of The Numeracy Report to be published in the next two weeks!

Until then, please stay safe and keep learning!


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