

Episode 4: Math in Human Health feat. Dr. Nevicia Case

For this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Dr. Nevicia Case who has exemplified a lifelong passion for learning. With a PhD in Psychiatry, a Masters of Science in Medical Sciences, and a member of the One Young World Global Community for Young Leaders (to name just a few accomplishments!), she is using every tool available to her to pursue her curiosity and improve human health.

The moment you move to areas like psychology or sociology or even public health suddenly you’re dealing with human systems that are far more complex and very difficult to control . . . we have Statistics to help us better account for those variables that we’re not able to control.

Dr. Nevicia Case, Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Alberta, Faculty of Law

Highlights Reel

As before, we’ve pulled together a Highlights Reel. It’s a 5-minute compilation of some of the key topics covered in the full interview. Check it out to get a flavor for the conversation with Nevicia.

In the full interview, we cover topics ranging from:

  • How she uses curiosity to guide her on her mission
  • How she uses math and statistics to remove costs from healthcare and make lives easier for patients, their families, and their communities
  • How stats differs in its application between the “harder sciences” and the social sciences
  • And much more!

Check out the Full Episode (24 min) below!

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